Taylor J Smith

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Tanuki Lounge Poetry Set

White Summer 

Leaves green, Sun yellow 

Sublime Australian summer 

I am white, bummer 


n.An obsolete form of rank

Doublethink groupthink distelfink hyperlink interlink overthink overdrink preshrink eyeblink outthink chewink hotlink eyewink rethink ratfink unlink unkink uplink think oink!

Mountebank superbank gangplank cryobank outflank overdrank overfrank overrank outthank unthank shrank prank spank dank tank yank wank!

Preshrunk cyberpunk chipmunk unshrunk spelunk debunk bohunk trunk skunk chunk stunk junk gunk funk!

Plonk clonk monk konk zonk sonk clonk bonk honk wonk yonk!





I learned about trust the easy way
Through my mother
She told me that there’s good
In every heart

I learned about trust by learning
I’d look into someone’s eye
And in the crest of light that peers across their eyes
I’d see love

I’d see a soft, loving person
I’d see someone who deserves a second chance

I’d forgive you if you misgendered me
But yes
I am white, male and middle class

Life has been kind
And generous
And offered me opportunities when the time gets rough

It’s made me trusting
In people
In life

When I was young I had a fear
A fear of death

I thought the grim reaper was hiding behind my toilet door
I was afraid of death not because death was around me
But because I loved life

I had big dreams
Still do

So where does distrust come into the mix?
Well. My mother was right.
At least in my middle-class circles
No one ever really wronged me
Or if they did, it was an understandable slight

So for 27 years I’ve distrusted the notion of distrust
You know what comes next
Trust is dangerous
Trust means you take people on face value

What’s the worst that could happen?
in trusting a stranger?

Surely, if you put your trust in someone
And show them the light
They would trust you
They would see the light

What’s the worst that could happen?

Well. I’m hurt. I’m sad. I’m disappointed.
I’ve learned to distrust the hard way.

Do I blame the person?
Well. I have to. I’m supposed to.
At some point, people have to take responsibility for their actions

For their darkness
For their cruelty

But. Not really
I blame society foremost

For the select few, myself included
We live in a bubble where trust is rewarded

Where love begets love
Where generosity begets generosity

But society
This interconnected, international, intergenerational boiling pot
Of sin, and greed, and emotional scars
Breeds many, not worthy of trust

I know this, but until now, I refused to believe it
I wanted to believe my mother
Society is ill, but people are good

So I trusted them
I let them into my life
I let them into my house
Into my heart


I trusted them because
What’s the worst that could happen?
I trusted them

Now, I don’t know if I could trust anyone else

What’s the worst that could happen?

Now, my heart is black.
Now, my mind is soiled.

What’s the worst that could happen?

What’s the worst that could happen?



Trees can talk

Obviously, trees are better listeners than talkers

Obviously, trees aren’t the best walkers

Trees can talk though


It’s a very different language though

They speak much slower than a rainbow

They aren’t as quick to boast


In fact, I’ve never heard a tree boast

They aren’t the first to smash a glass for a toast

Are you curious, getting impatient, pondering deeply?


It’s true. Trees don’t fuck around, they only speak deeply.

They don’t tell jokes, lies or speak cheaply.

Trees speak via action; they speak via example.


So you’re thinking, hmmm. Don’t they do nothing? Is the example?

No, unlike rocks, trees don’t say nothing, here; I’ll give you a sample.

I hung out with a tree for three years and they told me thus:


They told me of growth, and green and the generous grubs

They said of waiting and watching and wearing water

They said of sun, satisfaction and slow sap


Did they have a point?

Not specifically.

If I had to translate,

I’d say their point was
